Thursday, April 29, 2010

Barbie Doll

Barbie Doll By Marge Piercy

* As I see it, this is a young lady that came into the world very innocent with out fear or hatred, but left the world unhappy to self.

*Someone can have the worst view of you, but the only one thatreally matters in your opinion.

*She let people brainwash her mind into believing that she was not the same perfect girlchild that came into the world.

*Now that everyone is happy there is no self worth, no morals, She became that very same Barbie doll, Plastic and Dead.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dont Let That Horse...

Dont Let That Horse by Lawrence Ferkinghetti

*This Horse that is eating the violin could is a hobby that he is really interested in, hismother may not likeit and his trying to stop him from futhering a career out of it.

*He continues his goal at the same thing people were trying to discourage him about and made a career and future out of it

*When he got to where he wanted to be in life he allowed pthers to see how good he was at it and took the time to help someone else futher there hobby

Just because someone says not to do something, if its your interest and will make you happy,you should continue on to struggle and meet your goal. The simplist obstacle in his life became a benificial and fulfilling future.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Round About Midnight By Bob Kaufman

* As Midnight comes around everything tends to loosen up

* He has the music flowing with a good Jazz tune, The Lady of the hour is sitting with him she must be enjoying the music since she is a "Jazz Type Chick" He seems to have a perfect set up because the more they hear the music and the instruments being played, the more the laughter stirs up and she may be becoming more relaxed, its only Midnight so he has time toget the mood just right.

*He puts acolor to the voice saying they were Blue, they lady may have hurt within and as she gets more relaxed the more you can here her tru feelings start comin out, she just smiles without word, smiling in agreement that the time is right for whatever that may happen next because her voice switches up with excitement even though she knows what mayhappen would be against her fathers wishes