Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dont Let That Horse...

Dont Let That Horse by Lawrence Ferkinghetti

*This Horse that is eating the violin could is a hobby that he is really interested in, hismother may not likeit and his trying to stop him from futhering a career out of it.

*He continues his goal at the same thing people were trying to discourage him about and made a career and future out of it

*When he got to where he wanted to be in life he allowed pthers to see how good he was at it and took the time to help someone else futher there hobby

Just because someone says not to do something, if its your interest and will make you happy,you should continue on to struggle and meet your goal. The simplist obstacle in his life became a benificial and fulfilling future.

1 comment:

  1. You're right about seeing the imagery as metaphoric/symbolic of something essential about the human condition, as critics like to point out about Ferlinghetti's often off-beat beat poetry, though what's missing here is interpretation/comments on specific details, which I assume you will do in a journal if you write a journal about this poem. In any event, "hobby" somewhat trivializes the poem's message; the subject is the painter Marc Chagall; though the situation is fanciful, it is in keeping with the spirit, and emotional/spiritual/psychological impact-- of Chagall's painting (try to view some of Chagall's paintings, perhaps this particular painting, online, or, better, in person). Yes, there is much here about going against the grain of what one "should" do, what is acceptable--in art as in life--and the risks/sacrifices and ultimate (perhaps somewhat lonely, in a way, since the painter is on a ride with his own creations, and must leave conventional society behing) benefits...last image enticing, ambiguous--no strings on the violin? still, of course, it is a gift--por l'art..
